Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Finally, I have a spare moment to update this blog as promised. The travel to Mexico City was relatively uneventful, which I suppose is a good thing. We arrived at the airport and went immediately to the American School via a convoy of white suburbans. The traffic is not actually that bad. It is very tightly packed in the streets but the rules of the road are basically the same as the states and it is not hard to get used to.

After getting to meet some of the faculty at the school we were then introduced to our host families. I am staying with three other guys (Paddy, Zane, Matthew) and our host family is an elderly lady with two older sons (late 20's ~ early 30's). Two of their friends are staying at the house as well so we have a lot of people that we can talk to and that are willing to show us around the city. There are also two dogs at our house (Chihuahua and a Black lab). 

Our neighborhood is very nice and there are many restaurants and shops nearby. Paddy, Matthew, Zane and I have figured out the neighborhood for the most part. We have walked around a lot as well as bought subway tickets for our commutes and flowers for our host mom. I am already used to the weather for the most part. It is currently about 70 degrees with a high of 90 later.

I was a bit worried about getting used to the currency, since that wasn't something I really had to worry about in Haiti, but it was really easy to get used to. The Spanish hasn't really been a problem either. I can read most if not all signs very quickly and have already successfully navigated many situations using just Spanish (in spite of the fact that it is probably very hard to understand me). I really need to work on simple past and future tense since those are pretty basic.

I'll talk more about the school at another time when I have a chance to update this again. I will try to update about once a day or so.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are safe and adjusting so quickly, not that I am surprised by that info. Guess I'll have to practice my Spanish to keep up with you when you get back.
